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Ladies, are you thinking of having a baby? Are you making plans for your next pregnancy, or considering having  your first child? Did you know that chiropractic care can be an important element of your prenatal and postnatal health plans? We’ll help you get your spine and central nervous system in tip-top shape first, before you conceive.

Why is this of benefit? First, aligning your spine will help place your womb in the ideal positioning. This means you may have an easier time conceiving, as well as carrying your body. Chiropractic adjustments shift your body into the ideal position for you to conceive and enjoy a healthy pregnancy. Because chiropractic adjustments help ease your spine, hips and central nervous system into optimum shape, you’ll not only find conception to be possibly easier, but carrying and delivering your baby, as well. Plus, you can minimize potential stress on your baby’s developing spine.

In this three-part blog series, we’re talking about the stages of pregnancy (conception, gestation, delivery and post-partum) and how chiropractic care can benefit each.

First, for conception: your body is preparing for new life and the changes that you’ll undergo to carry and bring forth that life. When your body, mind and spirit are in optimum condition, you’ll encourage the conception process. Whether you’re conceiving naturally or going through fertility treatments to conceive, you’ll find that a pain-free, well-adjusted spine helps make your womb (and your entire self) ready for conception. You’ll sleep better, breathe better and have better mobility, as well.

Rushmore Family Chiropractic partners with many health care practitioners throughout the Black Hills region to provide natural, holistic wellness to our patients. Our ‘team’ includes fertility specialists, acupuncturists, massage therapists and counselors who aid and support women’s reproductive health. We are proud to offer treatment options to moms and babies, as well as the larger population. We are each moms, too, with children ranging from one year old to adults, and it’s important that we provide loving care and sound medical advice to all that we treat.

We work carefully with our moms, from conception to delivery, to after-care in the post-partum stages. We know that new moms face a barrage of information, some good and some questionable, so we try to be a resource for good wellness information surrounding conception and pregnancy issues.

Let us know if you are trying to conceive and we will provide chiropractic care to support your efforts. Did you know that pregnant women experience widening of the hips, and softening of the pelvic ligaments? Plus, your center of balance changes during pregnancy. These factors not only can be affected by your spinal health, but they can impact it. Getting your spine, central nervous system and reproductive system in optimum health can support your conception, pregnancy and pre- and post-natal care.

Schedule your pre-pregnancy consultation with Rushmore Family Chiropractic and begin the steps toward a healthy conception and pregnancy. We’ll be there with you throughout the process.

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