As part of our series on teen girls and their chiropractic needs, this blog is about menstruation. While a delicate subject, half of the planet is affected including our teen daughters and although every adolescent will experience their periods differently, chiropractic care can be an effective method of treatment.
As part of the natural changes taking place in your daughter during adolescence, production of estrogen and other hormones will affect her mood and her physical body. Some teens experience their first menses in their early teens, others as early as age 9. The advent of menstruation, for many adolescent girls, can signal a host of behavioral changes. Some teens stress over the stigma of having their period, some report debilitating pain attributed to cramping. These stresses may cause your teen daughter to isolate themselves or refrain from normal, social behaviors. We want to stress that menstruation is a normal, healthy part of life for teen girls and women – regardless of any conditions they may face.
The hormonal imbalances might be alleviated through diet/lifestyle changes or through oral contraceptives. However, contraceptives (including synthetic hormones) can increase the risk of cancers, stroke and migraines.
Teens crave sugar, but sugar is a major culprit in the disruption of adolescent hormones. Eliminating sugar (while a challenge even for adults) can help to balance the hormones, as well as to reduce symptoms related to PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). But don’t encourage your teenager to skip meals – that, too, can disrupt the body’s adrenal function.
One thing that science is just beginning to understand is the body and brain’s reaction to the blue light of cellphone and tablet screens. That blue light tricks the brain into thinking it is sunlight, which confuses the hormones.
While there are subtle changes you can take to help your adolescent daughter deal with the discomfort related to menstruation, chiropractic care also proves an effective treatment of painful menstrual cramps. Chiropractic treatments can treat pain naturally, with many patients favorably reporting a reduction in back and general pain, and without relying upon over-the-counter pain relievers.
In fact, chiropractic care is recommended for teens and women of all ages experiencing endometriosis. Studies show that chiropractic treatments effectively alleviate back and pelvic pain for endometriosis patients. Plus, chiropractic care helps optimize the body’s central nervous system, regulating our breath, heartbeat and digestive functions. Research also indicates that chiropractic treatments actually help regulate the menstrual cycle, encouraging egg movement through the fallopian tubes and potentially boosting fertility.
At all stages of a woman’s life, chiropractic care is there to support, encourage and provide relief from pain and discomfort. It’s encouraging to know that medical studies reveal the wide range of chiropractic benefit – for your teen, and for you!