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Back Pain

E-Stim Can Help You Heal

If you have experienced an injury and are planning to schedule a spinal adjustment at Rushmore Family Chiropractic to alleviate pain, you might be introduced

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Pumpkins Compressed
Back Pain

Chiropractic Awareness Month

October is National Chiropractic Awareness month! It’s a great time to talk about spinal health and good posture. Posture is the position that we hold

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Cupping Compressed
Back Pain

Have You Heard About Cupping?

Rushmore Family Chiropractic offers Cupping as part of our massage services. Cupping has been used for centuries to increase circulation and oxygen to areas affected

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Back Pain


At some point in your life you’ll probably be involved in a traffic accident. Despite our best intentions, we cannot control our environment or other

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work injury
Back Pain


In this blog series, we’re addressing some of the most common injuries we see. In our last blog, we talked about sports-related injuries including injuries

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Chiropractor Spine
Back Pain


We’re sure you’ve heard the term ‘slipped disc’ before and if you suffer from back problems, you might be wondering if this term applies to

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stenosis and tennis
Black Hills Activities


Have you ever heard of Spinal Stenosis? We see this in some of our patients at Rushmore Family Chiropractic. Stenosis is a narrowing or compression

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sport match football giants

Kids and Sports

Parents – when it comes to kids and sports, it seems like it takes superhero talent just to get everyone to the field on time!

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