Missing your physical exercise, during the Winter months? We’re right in the middle of winter and it’s been a cold one. Only the most rugged of individuals are out running or hiking this season. But we need our exercise and there are some great, creative ways to get that activity during the cold winter months.
First, keep active. Just because you are inside doesn’t mean you should just Netflix and chill on the sofa. Get up, get moving even if it’s just inside your house. Forget about “spring cleaning” – winter cleaning is a better way to tackle those longer projects around your home! Clean out your closets. Update your pantry. Work on crafting and hobbies with the family. It’s important to keep the body active during the cold season.
To amp up your winter exercise regimen, but still stay warm, make use of the many indoor locations in our area for exercise and activity. Each rotation of the interior of Rushmore Mall is three-quarters of a mile. Walk ten rotations and a 160-lb man just burned 595
calories! You could also join the Rapid City YMCA, or Swim Center for regular indoor exercise. Or, grab some friends and go bowling down at the Robbinsdale Lanes.
There’s an Indoor Soccer League in Rapid City, as well. If you enjoy team sports, contact the folks at Black Hills Rapids Soccer Club at info@blackhillsrapids.com. These are co-ed teams for all age groups, by the way.
Another great idea for winter exercise would be to sign up for martial arts or Qi Gong classes. Sol Yoga Collective has a Monday night Qi Gong class, and there are many martial arts instructors in the Black Hills region. Learn some self-defense, while building strength, during the winter season.
Make the most of the indoors during the winter, but don’t forget about the Outdoors too!
On the warmer days, get outside and get some much needed fresh air and exercise. Walk the dogs around Founders Park. Take a short jog around the Canyon Lake overlay. Or, call your friends and plan a hot lunch in the park. Put some coffee and soup into your thermoses and gather together for a winter picnic. It might be a short visit, but it’ll definitely be sweet to see your friends and get the activity that your body is craving.