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Happy New Years!

Rushmore Family Chiropractic wants to wish each of you a very Happy New Year! May 2017 bring you prosperity, joy, and little to no back pain. We want you to enjoy all that our beautiful Black Hills region has to offer – from skiing and snowboarding in wintertime, to hiking and rock-climbing, along with fishing, hunting, sight-seeing, motor-cycle riding and ATV-ing. Yes, we want you to be active! We want our clients to make the most of our great outdoors.

Western South Dakota is too pretty, with too much to experience, to miss out on the activities you enjoy. But we also want you to be safe and healthy. Rushmore Family Chiropractic would love nothing more, for 2017, than to become your proactive adjustment center and never to treat anyone for pain or injury. While that might be a far-fetched idea, that is among the goals we are striving for.

So, go outside at every opportunity you can. Stretch, climb, sprint and take in all the majesty of our region. Walk each day, take a road trip, explore some place new. Dig for Fairburn agates in Railroad Butte, go spelunking in Jewel Cave, ride your Harley through Needles Highway. Then sit back and enjoy a relaxing dinner atop the Vertex in downtown Rapid City.

Live a full life, a generous and adventurous life! What better place to do that than in the beautiful Black Hills? But while you are enjoying your life you’ll also be getting fit, building strength, developing a better body. Be sure to prepare for each of these activities, and avoid unnecessary injuries, by getting the daily exercise you need. Join the Rapid City YMCA or the Roosevelt Swim Center. Get the kids and your parents out there, as well! We want everyone to make the most of what the region has to offer – and we wish you all great health for 2017

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