Teaching has never been an easy profession but today, teachers are definitely feeling the pressure more than ever. What can we do to support teachers and school staff who are caring for our children?
They say that Teaching is the ‘Noblest Profession.’ Educators work hard to develop young minds and enforce positive attitudes and behaviors in the classroom. Each of us can name beloved teachers from our school days who instilled in us a love of learning. But how often do we have the chance to thank our greatest teachers?
Actually, we can do it every day. Teachers have always faced challenges in the classroom and beyond – this past year and a half has only been more difficult. From distance learning to mask mandates, it’s not only our kids who have struggled. It is their teachers and administrators, too.
The start of the school year is a great time to consider ways to thank and support the teachers in our life – those who teach our kids, and friends in the education field as well. Here are just some of the ways:
Stop by the classroom and do a monthly check-in. Send emails and text messages, asking the teacher how they are doing and what you can do support them. Talk to your kids and ask them, how is Mrs. X or Mr. Z doing these days? You know the expression, “Kids say the darnedest things?” Well, your child might have an observation that helps you know when their teacher may be struggling.
Schools are usually good about letting you know how you can support their staff, whether it be with financial donations to offset the personal money they spend on supplies, or volunteering in the classroom. Not only will the teacher appreciate it but think of how happy your son or daughter will be to see you show up to spend a day with them! If every parent volunteered their time each quarter, teachers would know how valued they truly are.
How about a random act of kindness for a teacher or school administrator? Even if you don’t have a child in the public or private education system, you likely know a teacher. How can you support them, while they are helping to develop the leaders of the future?
Give a gift certificate to Rushmore Family Chiropractic! They can use that gift for a 30, 60, or 90 minute massage or even health supplements at our office. Tell that teacher, principal, counselor, school nurse, janitor or cafeteria worker how much you and your family value what they are doing. Let them know that you understand how hard they work to care for your child and give a meaningful gift in return.
Inquire about gift certificates by calling our office at 605-716-0646.